God has a plan for everyone and everything. That includes you, and it includes Divine Dynamites Ministry International (D.D.M.I.). None of us can fully know God’s plan—the best we can do is pray and listen for clarity. Our church leadership has been doing just that and are excited to announce our latest church project which is to build a physical tabernacle for God.

But we can’t pull this off without your support. Whether you give to the church on a regular basis, or just attend on occasion, we’re asking you to consider contributing to this massive undertaking prayerfully. It’s something we need our entire church community’s help with.

Even if you can’t make a large gift, know that every little bit helps. It’s more about coming together as a community united behind a common cause. We hope that you’ll consider making a donation towards this great step forward that we’re making together.

Many thanks to everyone who has supported what God is doing in our midst in times past. With your support, we’re partnering with local nonprofits, sending out global mission trips, and hosting small groups on topics that help real people like you.

With the help of our Partners, we seek to further God’s kingdom by making a difference in the lives of His people all over the world. From meeting essential physical needs to disaster relief, we band together to save the lost, help the hurting, and spread the Gospel in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Together, we can make a difference.

To find out how to support us or make a donation, kindly get in touch with us by using the Contact Us menu above or by sending an email to